Dedicated servers
3. Data upload
To start work with server you should create an account.
- Enter Accounts section and click on "Create new account":
- Fill all fields and press [Ok]:
2) Account name, 3) password, 4) client, 5) server on which you need to create account.
After the account is successfully created, you will see /home/account_name directory on the server.
To enter via FTP you need to use your account name and password as information to connect. Also you can enter Control Panel using your account information, then you will control only it and any financial operations will be disabled. To enter Control Panel as account you need to use <account_name>@<servername> - firstacc@DS0000 for example
- 1) In a top right corner, in the field "Current account" select account that you need to work to.
- 2) Enter "Domains" section", 3) select "Create new domain" in the left menu".
- 1) Enter full name of your domain in the filed "Domain". 2) If you DO NOT need "www"-part in your domain, remove check in checkbox "Create www-domain", 3) Select needed IP-address to create domain on, 4) select how often you need to backup domain, and press [Ok].
Domain will be created in a few minutes.
Next you need to select our Name Servers. Name Servers that used on new domains you can see in the "Information" menu in the "Domains" section.
Next you need to upload pages in your site. You need FTP-client, Total Commander of Far Manager for example. You can read this manual how to configure these FTP-client.
Information for FTP connect you can see in our panel in the "Account" sections. Select an account in the "Current Account" in the top right corner, and press - FTP/SSH access data.
Please notice that FTP-access is disabled by default in security reasons. To enable it select needed account, enter "Settings" menu and press [change] right to Allow IPs line. Enter your IP-adress in the "To login server" field. Or enter to allow logging from any IP. Detailed information about server access to FTP, you can read here.
After FTP connection, all you need is upload files to root directory of your domain. Simply enter directory named as your domain and copy there files and directories of your site.
First you need to configure common password for your databases. Select needed account. Enter 2) DB section, 3) press Set common password for MySQL databases, enter password and press [ok]. Now you can enter your any you database with this password, using your account name as login.
Next we need to create database. Press 4) Create new DB. Enter database name in "DBname" field, password in "Password" field and press [ok]. Database will be created in a few minutes.
5) You can control your Databases using web-interface via PhpMyAdmin(PMA). You need to use database name as login and its password, or you can control all databases using account name as login and common password.
More information about databases you can find in DB FAQ.
About crons you can read in this FAQ section.
To add crons, enter 2) "CRON" section, select 1) needed account.
You can add crons with two ways, 3) usual, or using 4) wizard, if you don't know how to set right time of execution.
To add crons in usual way, select 3) Add cron in left menu, enter full cron line in field.
If you don't know how to set right time of execution, you can use wizard. Press 4) Add cron with wizard. Select when you need to start cron. Also you can use Ctrl to select more than one position.
Enter command in the field "Command". For exapmle:
Always use full path to command and file.
If you don't need to see cron errors and cron output - set checks in the "Supress output" and "Supress errors" checkboxes. br>
More information about cron you can read in Cron FAQ section.
Mailbox can be created only for existing domains.
Select needed 1) account. Enter 2) Mail section and press "Create mail" in the left menu.
Enter mailbox name in field 1) "Mail adress:", 2) select needed domain, 3) enter password and press [ok]. All other settings can be unchanged. Mailbox will be created in a few minutes.
You can read about mail-clients configuration in the "Email clients settings" section of our FAQ.
Mail servers name for SMTP\POP\IMAP you can read there.
Detailed information about mail you can read in the "About mail" section of our FAQ.